
The Clone tool allows you to duplicate a part of an image from one area and place it in another. This tool is brush-based, meaning you select a clone source and then use the Clone brush to paint that source area in a new part of your image.

Copy part of an image from one area to another

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Choose Tools > Clone from the Tools menu at the top of your screen.

    • Press S on your keyboard.

  2. In the Clone tool options at the bottom of the screen, do any of the following:

    • Brush Size: Drag the Brush Size slider to adjust the size of the Clone tool brush. Press and hold the Option ⌥ key to extend the range of the Brush Size slider beyond 100%. You can also manually enter a value from 0% to 200%.
 Use [ and ] keys to change the size of the Clone tool brush using your keyboard.

      • Softness: Drag the Softness slider to adjust the softness of the edges of the Clone tool brush. With softer edges, the outer source areas will usually blend in better with the areas you paint over.

      • Opacity: Drag the Opacity slider to change the transparency of the Clone tool brush. If the brush is partially transparent, the areas you clone will be partially transparent too.

      • Fix Source Position: If Fix Source Position is deselected, when you start your second brushstroke the clone source moves to line up with the area you’ve started copying. If selected, the clone source stays fixed in its original position with each new brushstroke. Selecting Fix Source Position can be useful when you want to clone the same object multiple times.

      • Show Source Marker: Show and hide the clone source marker. When the clone source marker is turned off, Option ⌥ – click the area you’d like to clone from.

  3. Drag the clone source marker to choose the area of the image you’d like to clone from. Alternatively, Option ⌥ – click the area you’d like to clone from.

  4. Paint over the area in your image to which you'd like to clone.

  5. Click Done to save changes made using the Clone tool or click Reset to discard them.

See also


Keyboard shortcuts

Interface overview

Last updated