Match Colors

The machine learning-powered Match Colors lets you quickly and easily match the colors of a photo with the colors of any other picture from Photos, Files, or the Web. The powerful algorithm analyzes the source and target pictures, then intelligently adjusts the White Balance, Hue & Saturation, Lightness, Color Balance, and Selective Color in a photo to make sure its look and feel match the source image.

Automatically match colors of two photos

  1. Open an image you'd like to edit.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Tap More in the toolbar, choose Match Colors, and select an image from Photos.

    • In other apps on iPad, Slide Over, or Split View, touch and hold a photo until it lifts up. While holding the photo, open Photomator and drop it there.

You can tap to manually tweak any of the color adjustments used to create the new look, and turn some of the adjustments on or off.

To unmatch photos, tap at the top of the screen.

See also

Batch editing

Color adjustments

Color adjustment presets

Last updated