Selective Clarity

Selective Clarity adjustment lets you enhance image texture and clarity exclusively in the shadows, midtones, and highlights of an image. Using Clarity, you can subtly enhance image brightness and colors, making the image look overall sharper and clearer. By reducing clarity, you can also create an opposite effect and make the image smoother. Texture lets you subtly add contrast to images, especially the edges of objects, making textures pop. Alternatively, you can reduce texture to smooth out the image.

Powered by a texture-aware algorithm, Selective Clarity is especially precise, so when you're adjusting an individual range, let's say shadows, only the darkest areas of the image will be affected, leaving no halos around.

Adjust the clarity and texture of a photo

  1. Do any of the following:

    • Click the on-image controls button, then drag areas of the photo horizontally to adjust texture and vertically to adjust clarity.

    • Tap Shadows, Midtones, or Highlights at the top of the adjustment to select which areas of the image to adjust, then do any of the following: Adjust clarity: Drag the Clarity slider to the right to make the image clearer, or to the left to make it smoother. You can also enter a percentage value from –100% to 100%.

      Adjust texture: Drag the Texture slider to the right to add more texture, or to the left to make the image smoother. You can also enter a percentage value from -100% to 100%.'

See also


Color adjustment presets

Copying and pasting color adjustments

Last updated