Color adjustment presets

Pixelmator Pro includes pre-made combinations of color adjustments called presets. These presets let you quickly give an image a certain look. In addition, you can add your own presets to save, reuse, and share the adjustment combinations you create.

Apply a color adjustment preset

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Tools sidebar, click Color Adjustments .

    • Choose Tools > Color Adjustments from the Tools menu at the top of your screen.

    • Press the A key on your keyboard.

  2. In the Layers sidebar, click to select the layer you’d like to edit.

  3. Choose a color adjustment preset from the list of presets at the top of the Tool Options pane, or click the Collection pop-up menu to browse other preset collections.

You can also fine-tune the adjustments applied to your image in the Tool Options pane.

Save a combination of color adjustments as a preset

  1. Apply any number of adjustments to an image.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click Add in any color adjustments collection to save the preset to that collection.

    • Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu and choose Add Preset.

Create a new color adjustment presets collection

  1. In the Tools sidebar, click Color Adjustments .

  2. Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu and choose New Collection.

Customize color adjustment presets and preset collections

Once you've created a preset or a preset collection, you can rename, redefine them, or share them with others.

  • Share a color adjustment preset: Drag any of the presets out of Pixelmator Pro and onto the desktop or into a Finder window, then share the exported .adjustments file with someone else via email or any other way you like.

    📘 Note: If you own Photomator, you can import the color adjustment presets you create in Pixelmator Pro to Photomator. You can share the preset via AirDrop or open it from iCloud Drive.

  • Share a collection of color adjustment presets: Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu and choose Export. Share the exported .adjustments file with someone else via email or any other way you like

  • Share your entire color adjustments library: Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu, then while pressing and holding the Option ⌥ key, choose Export All. Share the exported .adjustments file with someone else via email or any other way you like.

  • Redefine a color adjustment preset: If you’d like to overwrite or update an existing preset with new settings, you can redefine it. Apply and customize any number of color adjustments to a layer. In the list of presets, Control ⌃ – click a preset and choose Redefine "Preset".

  • Rename a color adjustment preset: In the list of presets, Control ⌃ – click a preset and choose Rename "Preset".

  • Rename a color adjustment presets collection: In the Collection pop-up, select the collection you want to rename. Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu and choose New Collection. Enter a new name and click Rename.

  • Reset all color adjustment presets to default: Click More next to the Collection pop-up menu, press and hold the Option ⌥ key and choose Reset All. Important: Resetting all the color adjustment presets to default removes any custom presets and returns all the default presets that come with Pixelmator Pro.

  • Delete a color adjustment preset: In the list of presets, Control ⌃ – click a preset and choose Remove "Preset".

  • Delete a color adjustment presets collection: In the Collection pop-up, select the collection you want to remove, then click More next to the Collection pop-up menu and choose Remove.

  • Show or hide presets: Drag the line that separates presets from the ML Enhance button up to hide the presets, or drag it down to reveal or expand the presets section.

Last updated