Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in Pixelmator Pro. To use a keyboard shortcut, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time.

While Pixelmator Pro comes with many pre-assigned keyboard shortcuts, you can also create some custom ones yourself to best suit your workflow. See Customize keyboard shortcuts to learn more.


Zoom in

Command ⌘ + Plus +

Zoom out

Command ⌘ + Minus -

Temporarily turn on scrubby zoom

Press and hold Option ⌥ + Space on your keyboard, then click and drag on canvas

Zoom to fit

Command ⌘ + 0

View actual size

Command ⌘ + 1 or Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + 0

Select the Zoom tool


Navigate using the Zoom tool

Click to zoom in, Option ⌥ – click to zoom out, drag over an area to zoom in to it

Scroll an image (use the Hand tool)

Press and hold Space, then drag the image or press H on your keyboard

Freely rotate the canvas

Press and hold Space + R, then click and drag to rotate the canvas

Select tools






Color Picker


Free Selection

L (selects the last used selection tool)

Rectangular Selection


Cycle through Free, Magnetic, and Polygonal selection tools

Shift ⇧ + L

Elliptical Selection


Color Selection


Quick Selection






Color Fill


Gradient Fill







U (selects the last used Shape)

Cycle through commonly used shape tools

Shift ⇧ + U


P (selects the last used Pen tool)

Cycle through Pen and Freeform Pen tools

Shift ⇧ + P



Cycle through the Circular, Path, Freeform and the regular type tools

Shift ⇧ + T

Color Adjustments







K or Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + E





Open, save, and export images


Create a new image or template

Command ⌘ + N

Create a new image using a mockup

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + N

Create a new image from clipboard

Option ⌥ + N

Open an image

Command ⌘ + O

Save an image

Command ⌘ + S

Duplicate an image

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + S

Save an existing image as a new image

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + S

Export an image

Command ⌘ + E

Export an image optimized for the web

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + E

Create a new image from your Photos library

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + N

Basic edits


Undo last action

Command ⌘ + Z

Redo last action

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + Z


Command ⌘ + X


Command ⌘ + C

Copy Merged

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + C


Command ⌘ + V

Paste and match style

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + V

Paste and match colors

Control ⌃ + Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + V

Duplicate layer or selected area

Command ⌘ + J or Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + D

Cut and paste selected area

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + J

Duplicate a layer and move it by a pixel

Press Option ⌥ and an arrow key

Duplicate a layer and move it by 10 pixels

Press Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ and an arrow key

Change the size of the image

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + I

Use Super Resolution to increase the resolution of an image

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + U

Remove background

Shift ⇧ + Backspace ⌫

Change the size of the image canvas

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + C

Change the color profile of the image

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + K

Replace layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + R

Enter the color picker mode

Press and hold the Option ⌥ key and pick a color from an image

Work with layers


Create an empty new layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + N

Insert an image or video as a layer from Finder

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + V

Insert an image or video as a layer from Photos

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + P

Delete selected layer(s) or clear selections

Backspace ⌫ key

Select all layers

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + A

Merge selected layers

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + E

Merge all layers

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + E

Group layers

Command ⌘ + G

Ungroup layers

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + G

Lock or unlock layers

Forward slash / key

Toggle layer visibility on and off

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + , (Comma)

Copy layer mask

Option ⌥ – drag a layer mask from one layer to another

Temporarily disable layer mask

Shift ⇧ – click a layer mask

Link or unlink a layer mask

Double–click the mask link line

Create a layer mask from image, shape or text

Command ⌘ – drag the image, shape or text onto a layer you'd like to mask

Create clipping mask

Option ⌥ – click between two layers in the Layers sidebar or press Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + G

Select next layer in layer list

Option ⌥ + Right bracket ]

Select previous layer in layer list

Option ⌥ + Left bracket [

Select top layer in layer list

Option ⌥ + Period .

Select bottom layer in layer list

Option ⌥ + Comma ,

Bring selected layer(s) forward

Command ⌘ + Right Bracket ]

Send selected layer(s) to the front

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Right Bracket ]

Bring selected layer(s) backward

Command ⌘ + Left Bracket [

Send selected layer(s) to the back

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Left Bracket [

Move a layer while any tool is active

Command ⌘ – drag the layer

Equally space objects horizontally

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Control ⌃ + H

Equally space objects vertically

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Control ⌃ + V

Style tool


Cycle through blend modes

Shift ⇧ + Plus + or Minus -

Set layer opacity

Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0 key once for 100% and twice for 0%

Temporarily view original layer without styles applied

Control ⌃ + M

Arrange tool


Resize a layer

Drag a layer handle

Duplicate a layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + D or Option ⌥ – drag

Disable alignment guides while moving or resizing

Command ⌘ – drag

Resize a layer from the center

Option ⌥ – drag a layer handle

Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer

Shift ⇧ – drag

Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer from the center

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ – drag a layer handle

Open the shortcut menu for the selected layer

Control ⌃ – click the layer

Rotate a layer

Command ⌘ – drag a layer handle

Rotate a layer in 15º steps

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ – drag a layer handle

Move a layer in a straight or diagonal line

Shift ⇧ – drag a layer

Align multiple layers according to their edges

Press Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ and an arrow key

Align multiple layers according to their centers

Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + H (for horizontal centers) or V (for vertical centers)

Crop tool


Turn on the Crop tool


Adjust the position of the crop

Press an arrow key

Resize the crop box using constrained proportions

Shift ⇧ – drag a crop box handle

Keep the center of the crop box fixed when resizing

Option ⌥ – drag a crop box handle

Reset the original image height

Double-click the top-middle crop handle. Press and hold the Shift ⇧ key while double-clicking to reset the image height using constrained crop

Reset the original image width

Double-click the left or the right side handle. Press and hold the Shift ⇧ key while double-clicking to reset the image width using constrained crop

Reveal hidden areas of an image

Double-click inside the crop box

Crop to fit image contents

Command ⌘ – click a crop box handle

Switch from straightening to rotation

Command ⌘ – drag outside the crop box

Cycle through crop overlays

Command ⌘ + G

Rotate the crop overlay

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + G

Free transform


Turn on Free Transform

Command ⌘ + T


Drag a transform handle while holding Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘


Drag a transform handle while holding the Command ⌘ key

Perspective Transform

Drag a transform handle while holding Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘

Selection tools


Select the entire image

Command ⌘ + A

Deselect an active selection

Command ⌘ + D

Invert a selection

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + I

Load the outline of a layer as a selection

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + L or Command ⌘ – click the thumbnail of a layer

Load grayscale selection

Shift ⇧ + Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + L

Turn on Select and Mask

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + R

Turn on Smart Refine selection

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + R

Select subject

Control ⌃ + S

Copy a selected area

Command ⌘ + C

Cut a selected area

Command ⌘ + X

Paste a selected area

Command ⌘ + V

Duplicate a selected area

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + D

Constrain selection to a circle or a square

Press and hold Shift ⇧ after starting a selection

Add to a selection

Press and hold Shift ⇧ before starting to select

Subtract from a selection

Press and hold the Option ⌥ key before starting to select

Intersect a selection

Press and hold the Shift ⇧ and Option ⌥ keys before starting to select

Paint and erase


Reset foreground and background colors to white and black


Switch between foreground and background color


Paint or erase a vertical or horizontal line

Press and hold the Shift ⇧ key before starting to paint

Temporarily switch from painting to erasing

Press and hold ` or ~ on your keyboard

Navigate the brushes

Choose the next brush in the collection . or choose the previous brush ,

Stroke with brush

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + B

Increase or decrease brush size

Right bracket ] or Left bracket [

Increase or decrease brush softness

Shift ⇧ + Right bracket ] or Shift ⇧ + Left bracket [

Constrain gradient to 15º angle

Shift ⇧ – drag gradient

Pick a color from an image

Option ⌥ – click

Fill layer with color

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + F

Fill layer with background color

Command ⌘ + Backspace ⌫

Fill layer with foreground color

Option ⌥ + Backspace ⌫

Set Paint tool opacity

Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0 key for 100%, or 00 for 0%

Cycle through blend modes

Shift ⇧ + Plus + or Minus -

Clone tool


Choose the Clone tool


Set clone source

Option ⌥ – click

Draw shape


Choose the Shape tool


Unite a shape with the selected shape

Press and hold the Shift ⇧ key before starting to draw

Subtract a shape from the selected shape

Press and hold the Option ⌥ key before starting to draw

Intersect a shape with the selected shape

Press and hold Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ before starting to draw

Move a shape on the canvas while using any shape tool

Command ⌘ – drag a shape

Select a different shape on the canvas while using any shape tool

Command ⌘ – click a shape

Select multiple shapes on the canvas while using any shape tool

Press and hold Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ then click or drag to select shapes

Move multiple shapes on the canvas while using any shape tool

After selecting multiple shapes, press and hold the Command ⌘ key and drag the shapes

Edit shapes


Make a shape editable

Return ↵ key

Adjust the corner radius of a rounded rectangle shape

Command ⌘ – drag a corner radius handle

Adjust the radius of a single corner of a rounded rectangle shape

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ – drag a corner radius handle

Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point

Option ⌥ – drag a direction point

Rejoin the direction lines of a smooth anchor point

Option ⌥ – drag the opposite direction point

Select or deselect multiple anchor points

Shift ⇧ – click an anchor point or Shift ⇧ – drag to draw a selection over multiple anchor points

Delete the selected anchor point(s)

Backspace ⌫ key

Stop editing a shape

Esc key

Draw paths with the Pen tool


Add a sharp point

Click anywhere in the image

Add a smooth point

Drag anywhere in the image

Delete the most recently added anchor point

Backspace ⌫ key

Adjust the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it

Command ⌘ – drag a direction line

Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point while adding it

Press and hold the Option ⌥ key while dragging to add an anchor point

Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it

Option ⌥ – drag a direction point

Adjust the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it

Command ⌘ – drag a direction line

Finish drawing a path and close it

Shift ⇧ + Return ↵ key

Finish drawing a path and leave it open

Return ↵ key

Type tool


Insert a text layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + T

Insert a circular text layer

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + T

Expand the text box to both directions

Option ⌥ – drag a text box handle

Move the text box along the path (when editing text on a path)

Shift ⇧ – drag a text box handle

Continue typing text from a new line instead of a new paragraph

Shift ⇧ + Return ↵

Color Adjustments


Color Adjustments

Add a color adjustments layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + A

Automatically enhance the colors of an image (ML Enhance)

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + M

Remove camera noise and image compression artifacts (Denoise)

Control ⌃ + Shift ⇧ + D

Remove color banding and compression artifacts from low-quality images (Deband)

Control ⌃ + Shift ⇧ + B

Apply the Hue & Saturation adjustment

Command ⌘ + U

Apply the Color Balance adjustment

Command ⌘ + B

Apply the Levels adjustment

Command ⌘ + L

Apply the Curves adjustment

Command ⌘ + K

Invert colors destructively

Command ⌘ + I

Temporarily view original layer without adjustments

Control ⌃ + M

Enter the Split Comparison view

Press Control ⌃ + C , Option ⌥ – click the Show Original button, or force click the canvas

Enable color soft proofing

Press Command ⌘ + Y



Add an effects layer

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + F

Apply the Color Fill effect

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + F

Temporarily view original layer without effects

Control ⌃ + M

Edit videos


Play or pause all videos


Play or pause selected video layers

Option ⌥ + Space

Move the video trimming bar without changing duration

Command ⌘ – one of the trimming handles

Templates browser


Open the templates browser

Command ⌘ + N

Show a preview of the selected template


Show recent documents and templates

Command ⌘ + R

Open the list of image size presets

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + P

Photo browser


Open the Photo browser

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + N

Show a preview of the selected image or video


Open image or video shortcut menu with more opening options

Control ⌃ – click the image or video thumbnail

Open original, unedited image

Option ⌥ – click the Open button in the Photo browser

Change the size of thumbnails in the Photo browser

Command ⌘ + Plus + or Command ⌘ + Minus -



Show Pixelmator Pro welcome screen

Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + 1

Show Pixelmator Pro settings

Command ⌘ + Comma ,

Show Pixelmator Pro help

Command ⌘ + Question mark ?

Show guides

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Semicolon ;

Show rulers

Command ⌘ + R

Show grid

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Apostrophe '

Show colors

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + C

Show tool names

Control ⌃ + O

View document info

Shift ⇧ + Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + I

Show Info bar

Command ⌘ + Forward slash /

Hide toolbar

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + T

Show or hide overlay

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + H

Show or hide interface

Control ⌃ + H

Hide Tools sidebar

Option ⌥ + T

Hide or show the Layers sidebar

Option ⌥ + L

Switch Layers sidebar to List view

Option ⌥ + Shift ⇧ + L

Switch Layers sidebar to Thumbnails view

Control ⌃ + Shift ⇧ + L

Enter full screen

Fn + F or Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + F

Close window

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + W

Close all windows

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + W

Close tab

Command ⌘ + W

Close other tabs

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + W

Show Next Tab

Control ⌃ + Tab ⇥

Show Previous Tab

Control ⌃ + Shift ⇧ + Tab ⇥

View All Tabs

Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + Backlash \

Cycle through windows

Command ⌘ + Grave `

Minimize window

Command ⌘ + M

Minimize all windows

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + M

Hide Pixelmator Pro

Command ⌘ + H

Hide others

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + H


Command ⌘ + P

Quit Pixelmator Pro

Command ⌘ + Q

Quit Pixelmator Pro and keep windows

Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Q

Last updated