Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in Pixelmator Pro. To use a keyboard shortcut, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time.
While Pixelmator Pro comes with many pre-assigned keyboard shortcuts, you can also create some custom ones yourself to best suit your workflow. See Customize keyboard shortcuts to learn more.
Navigate an image
Zoom in
Command ⌘
+ Plus +
Zoom out
Command ⌘
+ Minus -
Temporarily turn on scrubby zoom
Press and hold Option ⌥
+ Space
on your keyboard, then click and drag on canvas
Zoom to fit
Command ⌘
+ 0
View actual size
Command ⌘
+ 1
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ 0
Select the Zoom tool
Navigate using the Zoom tool
Click to zoom in, Option ⌥
– click to zoom out, drag over an area to zoom in to it
Scroll an image (use the Hand tool)
Press and hold Space
, then drag the image or press H
on your keyboard
Freely rotate the canvas
Press and hold Space
+ R
, then click and drag to rotate the canvas
Select tools
Color Picker
Free Selection
(selects the last used selection tool)
Rectangular Selection
Cycle through Free, Magnetic, and Polygonal selection tools
Shift ⇧
+ L
Elliptical Selection
Color Selection
Quick Selection
Color Fill
Gradient Fill
(selects the last used Shape)
Cycle through commonly used shape tools
Shift ⇧
+ U
(selects the last used Pen tool)
Cycle through Pen and Freeform Pen tools
Shift ⇧
+ P
Cycle through the Circular, Path, Freeform and the regular type tools
Shift ⇧
+ T
Color Adjustments
or Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ E
Open, save, and export images
Create a new image or template
Command ⌘
+ N
Create a new image using a mockup
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ N
Create a new image from clipboard
Option ⌥
+ N
Open an image
Command ⌘
+ O
Save an image
Command ⌘
+ S
Duplicate an image
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ S
Save an existing image as a new image
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ S
Export an image
Command ⌘
+ E
Export an image optimized for the web
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ E
Create a new image from your Photos library
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ N
Basic edits
Undo last action
Command ⌘
+ Z
Redo last action
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ Z
Command ⌘
+ X
Command ⌘
+ C
Copy Merged
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ C
Command ⌘
+ V
Paste and match style
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ V
Paste and match colors
Control ⌃
+ Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ V
Duplicate layer or selected area
Command ⌘
+ J
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ D
Cut and paste selected area
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ J
Duplicate a layer and move it by a pixel
Press Option ⌥
and an arrow key
Duplicate a layer and move it by 10 pixels
Press Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
and an arrow key
Change the size of the image
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ I
Use Super Resolution to increase the resolution of an image
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ U
Remove background
Shift ⇧
+ Backspace ⌫
Change the size of the image canvas
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ C
Change the color profile of the image
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ K
Replace layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ R
Enter the color picker mode
Press and hold the Option ⌥
key and pick a color from an image
Work with layers
Create an empty new layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ N
Insert an image or video as a layer from Finder
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ V
Insert an image or video as a layer from Photos
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ P
Delete selected layer(s) or clear selections
Backspace ⌫
Select all layers
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ A
Merge selected layers
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ E
Merge all layers
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ E
Group layers
Command ⌘
+ G
Ungroup layers
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ G
Lock or unlock layers
Forward slash /
Toggle layer visibility on and off
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ ,
Copy layer mask
Option ⌥
– drag a layer mask from one layer to another
Temporarily disable layer mask
Shift ⇧
– click a layer mask
Link or unlink a layer mask
Double–click the mask link line
Create a layer mask from image, shape or text
Command ⌘
– drag the image, shape or text onto a layer you'd like to mask
Create clipping mask
Option ⌥
– click between two layers in the Layers sidebar or press
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ G
Select next layer in layer list
Option ⌥
+ Right bracket ]
Select previous layer in layer list
Option ⌥
+ Left bracket [
Select top layer in layer list
Option ⌥
+ Period .
Select bottom layer in layer list
Option ⌥
+ Comma ,
Bring selected layer(s) forward
Command ⌘
+ Right Bracket ]
Send selected layer(s) to the front
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Right Bracket ]
Bring selected layer(s) backward
Command ⌘
+ Left Bracket [
Send selected layer(s) to the back
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Left Bracket [
Move a layer while any tool is active
Command ⌘
– drag the layer
Equally space objects horizontally
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Control ⌃
+ H
Equally space objects vertically
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Control ⌃
+ V
Style tool
Cycle through blend modes
Shift ⇧
+ Plus +
or Minus -
Set layer opacity
Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0
key once for 100% and twice for 0%
Temporarily view original layer without styles applied
Control ⌃
+ M
Arrange tool
Resize a layer
Drag a layer handle
Duplicate a layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ D
Option ⌥
– drag
Disable alignment guides while moving or resizing
Command ⌘
– drag
Resize a layer from the center
Option ⌥
– drag a layer handle
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer
Shift ⇧
– drag
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer from the center
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
– drag a layer handle
Open the shortcut menu for the selected layer
Control ⌃
– click the layer
Rotate a layer
Command ⌘
– drag a layer handle
Rotate a layer in 15º steps
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
– drag a layer handle
Move a layer in a straight or diagonal line
Shift ⇧
– drag a layer
Align multiple layers according to their edges
Press Control ⌃
+ Command ⌘
and an arrow key
Align multiple layers according to their centers
Control ⌃
+ Command ⌘
+ H
(for horizontal centers) or V
(for vertical centers)
Crop tool
Turn on the Crop tool
Adjust the position of the crop
Press an arrow key
Resize the crop box using constrained proportions
Shift ⇧
– drag a crop box handle
Keep the center of the crop box fixed when resizing
Option ⌥
– drag a crop box handle
Reset the original image height
Double-click the top-middle crop handle. Press and hold the Shift ⇧
key while double-clicking to reset the image height using constrained crop
Reset the original image width
Double-click the left or the right side handle. Press and hold the Shift ⇧
key while double-clicking to reset the image width using constrained crop
Reveal hidden areas of an image
Double-click inside the crop box
Crop to fit image contents
Command ⌘
– click a crop box handle
Switch from straightening to rotation
Command ⌘
– drag outside the crop box
Cycle through crop overlays
Command ⌘
+ G
Rotate the crop overlay
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ G
Free transform
Turn on Free Transform
Command ⌘
+ T
Drag a transform handle while holding Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
Drag a transform handle while holding the Command ⌘
Perspective Transform
Drag a transform handle while holding Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
Selection tools
Select the entire image
Command ⌘
+ A
Deselect an active selection
Command ⌘
+ D
Invert a selection
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ I
Load the outline of a layer as a selection
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ L
Command ⌘
– click the thumbnail of a layer
Load grayscale selection
Shift ⇧
+ Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ L
Turn on Select and Mask
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ R
Turn on Smart Refine selection
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ R
Select subject
Control ⌃
+ S
Copy a selected area
Command ⌘
+ C
Cut a selected area
Command ⌘
+ X
Paste a selected area
Command ⌘
+ V
Duplicate a selected area
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ D
Constrain selection to a circle or a square
Press and hold Shift ⇧
after starting a selection
Add to a selection
Press and hold Shift ⇧
before starting to select
Subtract from a selection
Press and hold the Option ⌥
key before starting to select
Intersect a selection
Press and hold the Shift ⇧
and Option ⌥
keys before starting to select
Paint and erase
Reset foreground and background colors to white and black
Switch between foreground and background color
Paint or erase a vertical or horizontal line
Press and hold the Shift ⇧
key before starting to paint
Temporarily switch from painting to erasing
Press and hold `
or ~
on your keyboard
Navigate the brushes
Choose the next brush in the collection .
or choose the previous brush ,
Stroke with brush
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ B
Increase or decrease brush size
Right bracket ]
or Left bracket [
Increase or decrease brush softness
Shift ⇧
+ Right bracket ] or Shift ⇧
+ Left bracket [
Constrain gradient to 15º angle
Shift ⇧
– drag gradient
Pick a color from an image
Option ⌥
– click
Fill layer with color
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ F
Fill layer with background color
Command ⌘
+ Backspace ⌫
Fill layer with foreground color
Option ⌥
+ Backspace ⌫
Set Paint tool opacity
Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0
key for 100%, or 00
for 0%
Cycle through blend modes
Shift ⇧
+ Plus +
or Minus -
Clone tool
Choose the Clone tool
Set clone source
Option ⌥
– click
Draw shape
Choose the Shape tool
Unite a shape with the selected shape
Press and hold the Shift ⇧
key before starting to draw
Subtract a shape from the selected shape
Press and hold the Option ⌥
key before starting to draw
Intersect a shape with the selected shape
Press and hold Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
before starting to draw
Move a shape on the canvas while using any shape tool
Command ⌘
– drag a shape
Select a different shape on the canvas while using any shape tool
Command ⌘
– click a shape
Select multiple shapes on the canvas while using any shape tool
Press and hold Command ⌘
+ Shift ⇧
then click or drag to select shapes
Move multiple shapes on the canvas while using any shape tool
After selecting multiple shapes, press and hold the Command ⌘
key and drag the shapes
Edit shapes
Make a shape editable
Return ↵
Adjust the corner radius of a rounded rectangle shape
Command ⌘
– drag a corner radius handle
Adjust the radius of a single corner of a rounded rectangle shape
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
– drag a corner radius handle
Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point
Option ⌥
– drag a direction point
Rejoin the direction lines of a smooth anchor point
Option ⌥
– drag the opposite direction point
Select or deselect multiple anchor points
Shift ⇧
– click an anchor point or
Shift ⇧
– drag to draw a selection over multiple anchor points
Delete the selected anchor point(s)
Backspace ⌫
Stop editing a shape
Esc key
Draw paths with the Pen tool
Add a sharp point
Click anywhere in the image
Add a smooth point
Drag anywhere in the image
Delete the most recently added anchor point
Backspace ⌫
Adjust the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it
Command ⌘
– drag a direction line
Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point while adding it
Press and hold the Option ⌥
key while dragging to add an anchor point
Break apart the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it
Option ⌥
– drag a direction point
Adjust the direction lines of a smooth anchor point after adding it
Command ⌘
– drag a direction line
Finish drawing a path and close it
Shift ⇧
+ Return ↵
Finish drawing a path and leave it open
Return ↵
Type tool
Insert a text layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ T
Insert a circular text layer
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ T
Expand the text box to both directions
Option ⌥
– drag a text box handle
Move the text box along the path (when editing text on a path)
Shift ⇧
– drag a text box handle
Continue typing text from a new line instead of a new paragraph
Shift ⇧
+ Return ↵
Color Adjustments
Color Adjustments
Add a color adjustments layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ A
Automatically enhance the colors of an image (ML Enhance)
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ M
Remove camera noise and image compression artifacts (Denoise)
Control ⌃
+ Shift ⇧
+ D
Remove color banding and compression artifacts from low-quality images (Deband)
Control ⌃
+ Shift ⇧
+ B
Apply the Hue & Saturation adjustment
Command ⌘
+ U
Apply the Color Balance adjustment
Command ⌘
+ B
Apply the Levels adjustment
Command ⌘
+ L
Apply the Curves adjustment
Command ⌘
+ K
Invert colors destructively
Command ⌘
+ I
Temporarily view original layer without adjustments
Control ⌃
+ M
Enter the Split Comparison view
Press Control ⌃
+ C
, Option ⌥
– click the Show Original button, or force click the canvas
Enable color soft proofing
Press Command ⌘
+ Y
Add an effects layer
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ F
Apply the Color Fill effect
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ F
Temporarily view original layer without effects
Control ⌃
+ M
Edit videos
Play or pause all videos
Play or pause selected video layers
Option ⌥
+ Space
Move the video trimming bar without changing duration
Command ⌘
– one of the trimming handles
Templates browser
Open the templates browser
Command ⌘
+ N
Show a preview of the selected template
Show recent documents and templates
Command ⌘
+ R
Open the list of image size presets
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ P
Photo browser
Open the Photo browser
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ N
Show a preview of the selected image or video
Open image or video shortcut menu with more opening options
Control ⌃
– click the image or video thumbnail
Open original, unedited image
Option ⌥
– click the Open button in the Photo browser
Change the size of thumbnails in the Photo browser
Command ⌘
+ Plus +
or Command ⌘
+ Minus -
Show Pixelmator Pro welcome screen
Command ⌘
+ Shift ⇧
+ 1
Show Pixelmator Pro settings
Command ⌘
+ Comma ,
Show Pixelmator Pro help
Command ⌘
+ Question mark ?
Show guides
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Semicolon ;
Show rulers
Command ⌘
+ R
Show grid
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Apostrophe '
Show colors
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ C
Show tool names
Control ⌃
+ O
View document info
Shift ⇧
+ Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ I
Show Info bar
Command ⌘
+ Forward slash /
Hide toolbar
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ T
Show or hide overlay
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ H
Show or hide interface
Control ⌃
+ H
Hide Tools sidebar
Option ⌥
+ T
Hide or show the Layers sidebar
Option ⌥
+ L
Switch Layers sidebar to List view
Option ⌥
+ Shift ⇧
+ L
Switch Layers sidebar to Thumbnails view
Control ⌃
+ Shift ⇧
+ L
Enter full screen
+ F
or Control ⌃
+ Command ⌘
+ F
Close window
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ W
Close all windows
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Shift ⇧
+ W
Close tab
Command ⌘
+ W
Close other tabs
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ W
Show Next Tab
Control ⌃
+ Tab ⇥
Show Previous Tab
Control ⌃
+ Shift ⇧
+ Tab ⇥
View All Tabs
Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ Backlash \
Cycle through windows
Command ⌘
+ Grave `
Minimize window
Command ⌘
+ M
Minimize all windows
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ M
Hide Pixelmator Pro
Command ⌘
+ H
Hide others
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ H
Command ⌘
+ P
Quit Pixelmator Pro
Command ⌘
+ Q
Quit Pixelmator Pro and keep windows
Option ⌥
+ Command ⌘
+ Q
Last updated