Apply halftone effects
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The effects in the Halftone category apply artistic halftone screen patterns to your selected layer.
Halftone effects can be applied directly to a single layer or, using an effects layer, to multiple layers in a composition.
Select the layer or layers you want to edit.
Do any of the following: Apply effects to a currently selected layer:
Click Effects in the Tools sidebar, then click Add Effect and select an effect from the Halftone collection.
Choose Format > Effects > Halftone and choose an effect.
Press F
on your keyboard, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Halftone collection.
Apply effects to multiple layers:
Choose Insert > Effects from the Insert menu at the top of your screen, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Halftone collection.
Click Insert a layer at the top of the Layers sidebar, choose Effects, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Halftone collection.
Press Shift ⇧
+ Command ⌘
+ F
on your keyboard, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Halftone collection.
The Circular Screen effect adds a circular black and white halftone pattern over your selected layer.
Customize the effect:

Move the Width slider to adjust the distance between each circle in the pattern. You can also enter a value from 2.0 px to 50.0 px.
Move the Sharpness slider to adjust the sharpness of the circles. You can also enter a value from 0% to 100%.
Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the screen. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.
The CMYK Halftone effect recreates the selected layer using red, yellow, magenta, and black on a white background, making it look as if the image was printed using the halftone printing technique.
Customize the effect:

Move the Width slider to adjust the size of each dot in the pattern. You can also enter a value from 2.0 px to 100.0 px.
Move the Angle wheel to adjust the angle of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.
Move the Sharpness slider to adjust the sharpness of the dots. You can also enter a value from 0% to 100%.
Move the Gray Component Replacement slider to adjust how grays are created — either with a mix of cyan, magenta, and yellow or two of the primary colors and black.
Move the Under Color Removal slider to adjust how much of any near-black areas are replaced with pure black ink.
Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the screen. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.
The Dot Screen effect recreates your selected layer using the black and white dots of a halftone screen.
Customize the effect:
Move the Angle wheel to adjust the angle of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.

Move the Width slider to adjust the size of each dot in the pattern. You can also enter a value from 2.0 px to 50.0 px.
Move the Sharpness slider to adjust the sharpness of the dots. You can also enter a value from 0% to 100%.
Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the screen. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.
The Hatched Screen effect recreates your selected layer using a hatched black and white halftone screen.
Customize the effect:
Move the Angle wheel to adjust the angle of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.

Move the Width slider to adjust the size of each line in the pattern. You can also enter a value from 2.0 px to 50.0 px.
Move the Sharpness slider to adjust the sharpness of the lines. You can also enter a value from 0% to 100%.
Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the screen. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.
The Line Screen effect recreates your selected layer using a black and white line screen.
Customize the effect:
Move the Angle wheel to adjust the angle of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.

Move the Width slider to adjust the size of each line in the pattern. You can also enter a value from 2.0 px to 50.0 px.
Move the Sharpness slider to adjust the sharpness of the lines. You can also enter a value from 0% to 100%.
Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the screen. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.
Show Original: Click the Show Original button or press Control ⌃
+ M
on your keyboard to see what the image looks like without any effects.
Show Split Comparison: Option ⌥
– click the Show Original button, press Control ⌃
+ C
on your keyboard, or force-click the canvas.
To reset all effects, click Reset at the bottom of the Tool Options pane.