Select areas by drawing

Draw a freehand selection

The Free Selection (or the lasso) tool lets you freely draw selections by hand. You can select objects of any shape or size by simply tracing them by hand.

  1. Choose the Free Selection tool by doing one of the following:

    • Choose Tools > Select > Free Selection from the Tools menu at the top of your screen.

    • Press the L key on your keyboard.

    💡 Tip: You can cycle through Magnetic, Free, and Polygonal selection tools by pressing Shift ⇧ + L on your keyboard.

  2. Drag in your image to draw a selection. To reselect an anchor point, click the last point to remove it or press Backspace ⌫ on your keyboard, then continue drawing.

Draw a straight-edged selection

The Polygonal Selection (or the polygonal lasso) tool lets you make straight-edged, polygonal selections.

  1. Choose the Polygonal Selection tool by doing one of the following:

    • Choose Tools > Select > Polygonal Selection from the Tools menu at the top of your screen.

    • Press the L key on your keyboard.

    📘Tip: You can cycle through Magnetic, Free, and Polygonal selection tools by pressing Shift ⇧ + L on your keyboard.

  2. Click in your image to add straight selection lines to make your selection.

  3. Click the start of the selection to finish it. Alternatively, double-click anywhere in your image or press the Return ↵ key.

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