Fill a layer with a color or gradient

The Fill layer style fills the area of your selected layer with a color or gradient.

Add the Fill style

  1. Select the layer or layers you would like to edit.

  2. Choose the Style tool by doing one of the following:

    • Choose Tools > Style from the Tools menu at the top of your screen.

    • Press the S key on your keyboard.

  3. In the Tool Options pane, click Add Style and choose Fill. You can add as many of the same styles as you like.

Customize the Fill layer style

  • Fill Type: Click the pop-up menu below Fill and choose either Color to fill the layer with a solid color, or Gradient to fill it with a transition between multiple colors.

  • Opacity: Move the slider to adjust the transparency of the fill. You can also enter a value between 0% and 100%. 

  • Blend Mode: Click the Blend Mode pop-up menu to choose a different blend mode.

If you have applied multiple Fill layer styles to a single layer and you’d like to rearrange them, simply drag the style up or down the list of styles.

To reset all styles applied to an image, click Reset Style at the bottom of the Tool Options pane.

Last updated