Apply fill effects

The effects in the Fill category fill your selected layer using a color, gradient, pattern, or image.

Fill an image with color, gradient, pattern, or image

Fill effects can be applied directly to a single layer or, using an effects layer, to multiple layers in a composition.

  1. Select the layer or layers you want to edit.

  2. Do any of the following: Apply effects to a currently selected layer:

    • Choose Format > Effects > Fill and choose an effect.

    • Press F on your keyboard, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Fill collection.

    Apply effects to multiple layers:

    • Choose Insert > Effects from the Insert menu at the top of your screen, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Fill collection.

    • Press Shift ⇧ + Command ⌘ + F on your keyboard, click Add Effect, and select an effect from the Fill collection.

Fill with a solid color

The Color effect fills your selected layer with a custom color.

Customize the effect:

  • Click the Color color well to choose which color to fill with. You can also press and hold the Option ⌥ key on your keyboard to quickly pick a color from the image.

  • Move the Opacity slider to adjust the transparency of the fill effect.

  • Click the Opacity (Normal) pop-up menu to choose a different blend mode.

To preserve layer transparency when filling a layer with a solid color, click the effect name in the Tool Options pane and choose Preserve Transparency.

Fill with a gradual transition between colors

The Gradient effect fills your selected layer with a gradual transition between multiple colors.

Customize the effect:

  • Click the Gradient well to customize the gradient or choose a new one using the gradients palette.

  • Move the Scale slider to adjust the transition between the colors of the gradient. You can also enter a value from 0% to 200%.

  • Move the Angle wheel to adjust the rotation of the gradient. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.
 Move the Opacity slider to adjust the transparency of the gradient. Click the Opacity (Normal) pop-up menu to choose a different blend mode.

  • Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the gradient. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.

To preserve layer transparency when filling a layer with a transition between two colors, click the effect name in the Tool Options pane and choose Preserve Transparency.

Fill a layer with a repeating pattern

The Pattern effect fills your selected layer with a repeating pattern.

Customize the effect:

  • Drag and drop the image you’d like to use as the pattern onto the image well in the Tool Options pane. Or click the Image pop-up menu, click Choose, find the image you’d like to use, and click Import.

  • Move the Scale slider to adjust the size of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0% to 200%.

  • Move the Angle wheel to adjust the rotation of the pattern. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.
 Move the Opacity slider to adjust the transparency of the pattern. Click the Opacity (Normal) pop-up menu to choose a different blend mode.

  • Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the pattern. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.

Fill a layer with a custom image

The Image effect fills your selected layer with a custom image, similar to the way a clipping mask clips the contents of one layer to the outline of another.

Customize the effect:

  • Drag and drop the image you’d like to use as the fill image onto the image well in the Tool Options pane. Or click the Image pop-up menu, click Choose, find the image you’d like to use, and click Import.

  • To change how the image fits into your layer, click the Image pop-up menu and choose from Original, Stretch, Scale to Fill, and Scale to Fit.

  • Move the Scale slider to adjust the size of the image. You can also enter a value from 0% to 200%.

  • Move the Angle wheel to adjust the rotation of the image. You can also enter a value from 0.0º to 359.9º.

  • Move the Opacity slider to adjust the transparency of the image. Click the Opacity (Normal) pop-up menu to choose a different blend mode.

  • Move the handles of the effect rope to adjust the position of the image. If the effect rope isn’t visible, click the rope button in the Tool Options pane.

Show before and after or reset effects

Show Original: Click the Show Original button or press Control ⌃ + M on your keyboard to see what the image looks like without any effects.

Show Split Comparison: Option ⌥ – click the Show Original button, press Control ⌃ + C on your keyboard, or force-click the canvas.

To reset all effects, click Reset at the bottom of the Tool Options pane.

Last updated